Let's Make Sense Together

Stylised logo of a hand with an eye, an ear, lips, and a nose, next to the words Let's Make Sense TogetherLet's Make Sense Together is a free resource that anyone can use. It provides information and support to children and young people with sensory processing differences.

Here you can find a series of videos to help parents, carers, teachers, and others who support children with sensory processing differences. You’ll also find helpful advice sheets and links to other support and information.

The information has been created by local therapists.

Humber and North Yorkshire Healthier Together has a list of links and resources to use if you need support and advice around wellbeing and mental health.

The Dyspraxia Foundation provides information and support about Dyspraxia (also known as Developmental Coordination disorder

ADHD UK provides information and support about ADHD

The National Autistic Society provides information and support about autism. It also provides information on social stories and comic strip conversations you might find helpful

All six of our council's SEND Local Offer websites can be found on our website

All six parent carer forums, providing support and information for parents and carers, can be found in our local information section, under 'Parent Carer Forums'.

Caudwell Children provide a range of services for children and families, designed to remove some of the barriers that children face and enabling them to reach their full potential. From birth into early adulthood, they provide practical and emotional support for thousands of disabled and autistic children every year.

Caudwell Children's Charity Funded Sensory Packs are affordable and are specifically designed to support children. Their packs are also fun, educational, durable and safe. Many of the items are compact, so they are suitable for travel or to take to school.

The Sleep Charity provide advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better. They campaign to improve sleep support and access to high quality information, raise awareness of the value of a good night’s sleep and promote understanding around the complexities of sleep.      

Newlife are the UK’s largest charitable provider of specialist equipment for disabled children

Newlife's Play Therapy Pods are available as a free loan of specialist toys to families who have disabled and terminally ill children. The Play Therapy Pods are a box of sensory toys, that can be delivered direct to the family’s door. Newlife don’t means test, so specialist play pods are always provided on the basis of need.

ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children's bowel and bladder health. Their mission is to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and young people.

This film by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists shows some resources to help occupational therapists develop their understanding of sensory processing and the evidence behind it, along with professional development tools occupational therapists (individuals and teams) can use.

This sensory play toolkit for professionals and parents has been developed by researchers in eating behaviour, who specialise in sensory sensitivity and feeding problems. The toolkit is for parents and children to use when children are struggling with picky/fussy/avoidant eating, and where sensory sensitivity may be playing an important role.

Information and activities about Interoception from the Student Wellbeing Hub

Interoception activities created by Kelly Mahler, occupational therapist

'Sensory Circuits' by Jane Horwood is a book that contains a programme of physical activities that provide regular and controlled input to specific sensory motor systems enabling children to be energised or calmed so that they can get the most out their day. This book provides a practical guide to setting up your own daily Sensory Circuits programme. It can be found in your local library.

The William Merritt Centre provides advice and information about equipment, including wheelchairs/buggies, wheelchair accessible vehicles, Car seats and car safety.

There are three NHS Wheelchair Services that provide information and assessements for wheelchairs and buggies. The services cover York and North Yorkshire, Hull and the East Riding, and North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire

The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum available for settings that provides an easy way to think and talk about how we feel on the inside.

Some examples of Reward Charts

Some examples of Now and Next Boards

Some examples of smiley faces, sad faces, how are you feeling emojis for emotional regulation and interoception.

You can find helpful wellbeing apps on the Orcha Humber and North Yorkshire resource.

This information and resource has been created by healthcare professionals from York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust.York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation NHS Logo

Page last updated on: 18th February 2025