Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is very common; approximately 1.3 million women suffer abuse in some form every year. Often women experience more than one type of abuse which have a wide range of effects on both physical and mental wellbeing. Whilst some men will also expereince domestic violence the most serious and severe incidents happen to women by men.

Domestic abuse affects the whole family.

Every child deserves a safe and secure home.

Nearly 2 in 3 children exposed to domestic violence are also directly harmed.

Witnessing domestic abuse can have long term effects on children and young people. More information can be found here.


What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is not always physical violence . It can also be:

  • coercive control (this is an act or a pattern of acts of assualt, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victim)
  • economic abuse (financial abuse involves a perpetrator using or misusing money which limits and controls their partner's current and future actions and their freedom of choice)
  • online abuse
  • threats and intimidation
  • emotional abuse
  • sexual abuse


Pregnancy can trigger an increase in the frequency and intensity of abuse and many women will experience it for the first time during their pregnancy.


We know that people suffering abuse often want help but feel they cannot speak out; this is why all health care staff have been trained to ask you about your relationship and if you feel safe at home. Midwives, GP’s and Health visitors will support you and your family offering advice and referral to a specialist worker if this is needed.




Please speak to your midwife if you need any support or call one of the help line numbers in the box below.

East Riding

East Riding Council's website gives comprehensive advice on the support and guidance available for anyone living with or fleeing from domestic violence and abuse. It is available to any East Riding resident aged 16 years or over. Domestic abuse childrens' service can be accessed on  this webpage.


Hull Women’s Aid provide temporary accommodation, a live online chat facility and 24 hour telephone support to women fleeing from or living with domestic abuse. They provide direct advice and individual support to any woman who requests it. They work with partner organisations to improve the quality of life for women and children who are living with/fleeing domestic abuse. They also provide a Floating Support Service which supports vulnerable women and children in their own homes. 

Purple House – Preston Road Women's Centre provides information, support and advice to women in Hull. It is a multi-purpose organization run by women for women offering a wide range of services under one roof.

Hull Women's Support Centre provides specialist support for victim-survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse from Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs), You & Me Mum courses, Help to find employment, Referrals to a Homeless Community Project, Adverse Childhood Experience Recovery Toolkit, 1:1 support, Counselling, Sexual Violence Recovery Toolkit, Mental Well Being course, and Anger Management course.

North East Lincolnshire

Women's Aid North East Lincolnshire provides a range of services for anyone experiencing any form of domestic violence.

North Lincolnshire

Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner's website has some information on domestic abuse services in North Lincolnshire.

North Yorkshire

IDAS is the largest specialist charity in the North supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

If you are in immediate danger, you should call 999. If you would like to plan to go to refuge, IDAS can help you do so safely. You can call their helpline number for North Yorkshire: 03000 110 110. You will be supported through the process by a trained practitioner. You can also call the National 24- hour Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247


Contact IDAS, a specialist charity with many years’ experience of supporting and accommodating victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

If you are in immediate danger, you should call 999. If you would like to plan to go to refuge, IDAS can help you do so safely. You can call their helpline number for North Yorkshire: 03000 110 110. You will be supported through the process by a trained practitioner. You can also call the National 24- hour Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247

You might also want to contact the Kyra Women's Project. They are a registered charity in York that exists to help local women make positive change in their lives. They offer a range of courses, therapies, life skills and events for women, from our relaxed, comfortable, city centre location. They welcome anyone who identifies as a woman and is over the age of 18: they have a young women’s project (the ROSE group) for those aged 18-25 (see under Activities), and a Time of Our Lives group for women over 50 – but all women are welcome to join any activities.

For more information please visit the Kyra Women's Project website. You can also email them at or call them on 01904 632332

Free helpline open 24 hours a day.

Telephone number: 0808 2000 247

For more information, please click here.

Page last updated on: 31st March 2023