Stopping Smoking - Hull

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from.

The NHS Better Health Website is full of advice, tools and tips.

If you are visiting or work in a hospital, you can visit our local Go Smoke Free website for advice and support.

Bump the Habit is our local website where you can find specialist information about smoking in pregnancy, the effect this may have on you and your baby - and advice if you want to quit. 

SmokeFree Hull is all about helping you find your own way of stopping smoking. Join their 12-week programme, and they’ll give you an advisor to help and encourage you, and free products for your nicotine cravings, like patches and gum. They support adults and young people aged 12 and over living in Hull.

ReFresh are a confidential support service for under 19’s in Hull who work with young people and/or families around drugs and alcohol. They also provide stop smoking support for under 16’s.

Page last updated on: 26th July 2023